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Conners Conners Gallery is a non-profit

exhibition space in Fitzroy, run and

curated by artists, art workers & curators.

It is dedicated to providing a platform

where artists in all stages of their careers

have the freedom to explore, experiment

and take risks within their practices.


The gallery develops and promotes a supportive and dynamic program with ambitious aims, offering the opportunity

for artists to elevate their practices and

build stronger networks within and

between art and non-art communities.

Conners Conners is located at the

Fitzroy Town Hall behind the central

terrace on Napier Street.


All Exhibitions are co-curated by

Ry Haskings, Vincent Alessi and Narelle Desmond (unless otherwise specified).

Lou Hubbard Sunday Best Chestnut Image:

Christo Crocker

Conners Conners is supported by the

City of Yarra's Room to Create Program

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